List of As Told by Ginger characters

Throughout the various episodes in As Told By Ginger, a number of recurring characters appear. Prominent characters are listed here.


The Foutleys

Ginger Foutley

Ginger Foutley (voiced by Melissa Disney) is an average 12 year-old junior high school girl. She was not considered "popular" until Courtney Gripling (Liz Georges), the stereotypical "school diva", decided to befriend her. Through Ginger, Courtney is able to view how the world works outside of the popular clique. However, Courtney's "right-hand woman", Miranda Killgallen (Cree Summer), becomes increasingly jealous of Courtney and Ginger's relationship, and stops at nothing to relegate Ginger to her previous role of geek. Aside from Courtney, Ginger has a group of loyal friends (Dodie Bishop, voiced by Aspen Miller, and Macie Lightfoot, voiced by Jackie Harris), who are nearly always ready to back her up.

At home, Ginger's mother Lois (Laraine Newman), single mom and nurse, attempts to give Ginger advice for the majority of her situations, but, as Ginger is often too embarrassed to listen to her mother's reasoning, she ends up learning from her own mistakes much of the time. Ginger's younger brother, fourth-grader Carl (Jeannie Elias), often attempts to use Ginger as a "guinea pig" for his experiments and twisted schemes. However, he has tried this so much that Ginger can usually tell that he is up to something, and refuses to comply. Early on in the series, Ginger did not know much about her father, who left the family shortly after Carl was born. In Hello Stranger she invited him to her poetry reading at school. Although he did not respond to the invitation, Ginger was convinced he would show anyway, and thus, was devastated when he didn't. In An "Even-Steven" Holiday Special (the title of which refers to Ginger being torn between how to celebrate Christmas and Chanukah at the same time after learning that she is one-quarter Jewish), Jonas returns to the family briefly after seeing Carl playing Santa Claus on the street. Though never having officially found his way back into the family, Jonas became more of an installation in the show, appearing at various intervals to give Ginger fatherly advice.

Ginger is portrayed as excelling academically. A self-described "science geek", and frequent "kiss-up" to her chemistry teacher, Mr. Celia, Ginger is also a very talented writer, particularly gifted at writing poetry. In The "A" Ticket, her crush, Ian Richton, was paired up with her as a lab partner, but used her to get an A so he could stay on the soccer team, much to Ginger's chagrin. Ginger is a favorite of her English teacher, Ms. Zorski, due to her talent for writing. Ginger once wrote a poem entitled "And Then She Was Gone" (in the episode And She Was Gone), to Ms. Zorski's concern, who subsequently sent Ginger to the school counselor. Her talent for writing is expounded on in the series finale, when we are shown that Ginger has become a successful author later in life.

Ginger's love life was not terribly successful throughout the course of the show. Initially, she harbored a crush on Ian Richton, which presumably ended when she discovered he was only using her to get an A in science. Another notable relationship that Ginger has had is with Sasha, a boy she met at camp. She left camp on good terms with Sasha, but when she visited him at his school in Ginger's Solo, he tells her he has a girlfriend. Her relationship with good friend and neighbor Darren Patterson (Kenny Blank) was incredibly tumultuous and underwent much change during the series. In Dare I, Darren? Ginger began to look at Darren in a more romantic light following Miranda's suggestion that they (Ginger and Darren) would make a good couple. Later on, in the episode Never Can Say Goodbye, she develops a physical attraction to Darren after he gets his headgear removed. Despite attempts to deny these newfound feelings, Ginger becomes incredibly jealous when Darren and Miranda begin to date. Finally, in Foutley's On Ice (Part 3), Ginger and Darren become an official couple. However, when they reach high school, Darren cheats on Ginger, leaving her heartbroken. She then finds comfort in a new friend, Orion. She and Orion never have an official relationship, but more of a flirtatious friendship. However, in the series finale, The Wedding Frame (Part 3), Ginger "takes the leap" and is shown with Orion at her mother's wedding.

However, at the end of the episode, when Ginger's future is shown, she not only is wearing a wedding ring, but is shown with Darren, who is holding a baby that looks rather like Ginger. Ginger, Carl, their parents, and Dave are caucasian.

Carl Foutley

Ginger's younger brother is Carl Foutley, 9 years old. (Jeannie Elias and Kath Soucie in seasons 4-7). He is in the fourth grade in the first season. He and his sidekick, "Hoodsey" Bishop (Tress MacNeille), come up with their schemes and perform their experiments in an abandoned doghouse in the Foutleys' backyard. The doghouse once belonged to the Foutleys' dog Monster, who ran away many years prior to the beginning of the series. In the series finale, Monster returns to the Foutleys. Because of his unique, yet disturbing personality, his family sometimes act like they don't like him, and often criticize him.

Courtney Gripling's younger brother, Blake, is often the recipient of Carl's bad humor, due to the repeated theft of a petrified eyeball that initially belonged to Carl. Blake can usually be seen trying to get on Carl's good side, but Carl refuses his advances and takes every opportunity to humiliate Blake.

Carl's catch phrase is "classified." He is incredibly secretive about his plans, revealing as little as possible about them to anyone who may inquire, even if he needs outside help acquiring the necessary materials to carry them out, of which include catching a naked mole rat, turning himself into a wolf and attempting to stay on a ski lift for over 3 hours.

Despite his love of the gross and unusual, Carl's also got a big heart, as shown on several occasions; delivering a beautiful eulogy at Maude's funeral (Carl & Maude), and even openly crying after hearing about Mrs. Gordon's untimely passing hours after he'd tried to get her to return. In one episode "Fast Reputation," it was actually revealed that Carl is a great cook. Joann Bishop (Dodie and Hoodsey's mother) does not like Carl and often speaks very ill of him, despite his usual attempts to be nice to her.

Carl's one true love is Noelle Sussman (Emily Kapnek). Originally, Noelle was viewed by Carl as a nobody on whom he could test his "disappearing powder", as he felt that she was expendable and would not be missed. As he studies the progress of his experiments, however, he realizes what a truly weird girl Noelle is, and that he misses her, leading the two to develop a relationship in And She Was Gone.

The series finale shows Carl and Hoodsey becoming popular TV reporters. They are also among the group at a reading of Ginger's latest book.

Lois Foutley

Lois Foutley (Laraine Newman), Lois Foutley is Ginger and Carl's mother, 31 years old, and she's a Nurse. Although she is a nurturing mother to Ginger and Carl, she is also something of a strict disciplinarian, and does not hesitate to put her foot down when she feels it is necessary; for example, in Kiss and Make-up, Ginger, Dodie, and Macie create their own make-up using crayons, pudding, and other household ingredients. Lois becomes furious at this blatant defiance, for she had already told Ginger that she was too young to wear makeup, and subsequently grounds Ginger without hearing her reasoning. However, with Carl, Lois seems to have adopted a "don't ask, don't tell" philosophy. Lois drives an old blue Volkswagen Beetle, which has an engine fire in the episode TGIF.

Before the beginning of the series, Lois was married to Jonas Foutley, who left her shortly after Carl's birth. Lois' love life remained dormant until Ms. Foutley's Boys, when she and Buzz (the plumber who fixed the Foutleys' mold problem in TGIF), develop a flirtatious relationship, later leading to Buzz and his three sons moving into the Foutley house, and becoming an annoyance by giving everything "a man's touch". Buzz continually uses the excuse "boys will be boys" to justify he and his sons' conduct, eventually leading Lois to break up with him.

A while after this, she then began seeing a coworker from the hospital, Dr. David Dave. He proposed to her in About Face and they were married in the series finale, The Wedding Frame.

It is worth noting that Lois kept Jonas' last name although they had presumably been divorced for somewhere around ten years (assuming Jonas left before Carl was a year old and considering Carl is in fourth grade, which would make him nine or ten years old) at the series' beginning.

Jonas Foutley

Jonas Foutley (Tom Virtue) abandoned Lois and their children shortly after the birth of Carl. Ginger never had any fond or, for that matter, clear memories of her father, and all the photographs of him that are in her possession are of his feet.

In Hello Stranger, Jonas Foutley is Ginger and Carl's father, 34 years old, and he lives in an apartment, which is where Carl's male friend, Hoodsey never been in before. Although he never returns her call, she convinces herself that he will show up. Lois, however, rightly believes that he will not appear. Lois is in the hospital at the time of Ginger's performance, and has sunflowers sent to the school with a card signed "Dad", but Ginger figures that Lois sent the flowers and her father let her down.

In An "Even Steven" Holiday Special, Jonas is shown performing as Santa Claus, standing on the street corner, collecting money, and happens to come across Carl and Hoodsey. Hoodsey believes that Jonas is really Santa Claus, and confides in him that Carl does not believe in Santa, because Santa has never granted him his only wish (to have his father home for Christmas). After hearing this, Jonas decides to pay the Foutleys a visit, which somewhat improved his relationship with his children.

Though Jonas never really becomes a fixture in the family, he appears sometimes to bequeath fatherly advice to Ginger, and to teach her about the extended family from which she is descended. Carl, however, seems to remain bitter, and limits the majority of his contact with Jonas.

Jonas is described as an "animal lover" and has a pet dog named Ben.

Dr. David Dave

Dr.David Dave is 39 years old. Although not an official Foutley, Dr. Dave and Lois were married in the series finale. He had worked very closely with Lois at the hospital since the beginning of the series. Over the course of the show, there were numerous hints of him having a crush on Lois. He proposed in About Face. His mother, 60 years old, does not approve of their relationship and in The Wedding Frame hired someone to sabotage it, but was stopped and the wedding went on as planned.

The Bishops

Deirdre Hortense 'Dodie' Bishop

Dodie Bishop, 12 years old (Aspen Miller), along with Macie Lightfoot, makes up Ginger's inner circle of friends. Dodie is known for her big mouth and her love of gossip; she is often seen updating Ginger on the latest happenings with the popular group or on modern romance. She appears to be very needy and wants nothing more than to be popular, often doing unscrupulous things in order to achieve a high social status. For example in the episode Dodie's Big Break, she feigned a broken leg in order to win a much-coveted spot on the cheerleading squad, but her ruse was uncovered by Ginger and Macie. Usually, however, whenever she (wrongly) believes she is on the verge of becoming popular, she becomes corrupt and dishonest and always ends up back where she started. Often left with nothing. At the series' beginning, Courtney Gripling referred to her as "Potie" and hardly acknowledged her existence. However, as Courtney grows closer to Ginger, she ends up growing closer to Dodie, as well.

In Of Lice & Friends, Dodie becomes the school announcer. However, she quickly deviates from the typical announcement format, focusing less on school information, and more on gossip. This makes her the talk of popular kids as she somehow knows things that even Miranda Killgallen admits not knowing. As school announcer, Dodie finds the list of kids who have lice and reads half of it over the loudspeaker before Ginger bursts in and stops her from reading the remainder of the list, which includes Courtney's name. Dodie assumes that Ginger is jealous of her, but later realizes that she was, in fact, going too far.

Dodie is something of a drama queen. She is easily hurt and fooled into thinking that she's been betrayed. In Love With a Proper Transfer Student, Ginger and Dodie both have a crush on new student Joaquin, causing them to both try out for the lead in the school musical, hoping for a stage kiss with Joaquin. When Ginger lands the role and their rehearsal stage kiss turns into a passionate one, Dodie reacts harshly, believing that Ginger has somehow betrayed her.

Dodie can also be very resentful and bitter, especially towards Ginger, her best friend, whenever she feels left out. Particularly whenever Courtney invites Ginger to participate in social events such as birthday parties or sleepovers, Dodie grows envious that she is not included, as she clearly adores Courtney and dreams of being in her cool crowd.

When she enters high school, Dodie attempts to become a cheerleader, but is relegated to the position of equipment manager.

At the end of the series finale, Dodie is shown marrying her boyfriend, Chet Zipper, with whom she has a baby daughter. Dodie, Hoodsey, and their parents are Canadian.

Robert Joseph 'Hoodsey' Bishop

Hoodsey Joseph Bishop (Tress MacNeille) is Dodie's younger brother, 9 years old, and Carl Foutley's best friend and sidekick. He is extremely gullible and believes anything someone tells him. He usually never has supplementary ideas for Carl's plots, but is typically more than happy to help. He is called "Hoodsey" due to the fact that he never wears anything but a purple hooded sweatshirt, and his closet is full of them.

Hoodsey is a complete mama's boy, and is always repeating things his mother tells him. He usually uses his mother's advice to attempt to make Carl stop his scheming, typically to no avail.

In the series finale, Hoodsey is shown, along with Carl, as a popular TV reporter, and they are both seen amongst the group at a reading of Ginger's latest book. He is also shown that he has a wedding ring on his finger, and is often speculated by fans, that he and Macie got married, as he is shown in the series that he has a crush on her (Piece of My Heart)

Joann Bishop

Joann Bishop (Susan Krebs) is Dodie and Hoodsey's mother, 34 years old, and appears to be a very unhappy woman. She seems to be deeply critical and disapproving of Hoodsey's friendship with Carl Foutley, and also seems to just barely tolerate Lois Foutley as Lois does the same. Despite this, she has no apparent problem with Dodie and Ginger's friendship.

Much to Dodie's horror, Joann lands a substitute teaching job at Dodie's school in the episode About Face. However this appears to be an attempt to reinvent her youth, as she does her best to get Courtney's group to accept her by pathetically adopting outdated and exaggerated teenage mannerisms, and giving herself the alias of "Josie." Dodie initially assumes that Joann was the equivalent of Courtney during her teens, but later finds out that in middle school, Joann was pretty much like Dodie herself: needy, dishonest, and desperate to be popular. Joann's picture in her middle school yearbook reads, "Missed Popularity" whilst her classmate, the true Josie MacDonald, was voted "Miss Popularity." According to her husband, Joann also turned to deceitful tactics to achieve popularity; a trait which she appears to have passed on to her daughter. Joann later showed remorse for her actions and encouraged her daughter to accept herself for who she was, lest she never find happiness. Joann is portrayed as very neurotic and something of a control freak. She insists on calling Dodie and Hoodsey by their real names, and hates being referred to as "Jo-Jo".

David Charles Bishop

Dodie and Hoodsey's father is Dave Bishop, 31 years old. (voiced by John Astin in season one and Dan Castellaneta in seasons two and three) almost always appears to be on the couch, though an important enough cause (such as a death in the family) will raise him. He is calmer than his wife and much more accepting of Carl as Hoodsey's friend. He is a loving and affectionate father, and worries a great deal about his children's happiness. In the episode About Face, he urged his children to accept themselves for who they are, for fear they end up as unhappy as their mother, who had spent her entire youth trying to get people to like her and ended up with nothing. He and Hoodsey watch The Weather Channel together and he is a fan of game shows. He has a definite resemblance to Hoodsey, almost looking like an older, fatter Hoodsey with glasses.

The Lightfoots

Macie Lightfoot

Ginger's other best friend is Macie, 12 years old (Jackie Harris). Macie is in a constant state of panic, as she is allergic to everything and fears change. She is portrayed as the "geekiest" one of the group, and is very knowledgeable. She is incredibly childish, most likely due to her absentee parents not being there to help her through the various stages of adolescence. She also possesses quite an array of knowledge on a great variation of subjects. Macie is half Asian half Caucasian.

In Come Back Little Seal Girl, Macie, Dodie, and Ginger agree on doing a skit devoted to The Little Seal Girl (their childhood heroine), for their school talent show. When Dodie and Ginger back out because it's too juvenile, Macie goes solo, stating that her friends are betraying her and the Seal Girl they've lived by for their whole lives. She ends up winning the talent show.

In Family Therapy, Macie's parents forget about her thirteenth birthday, and to make it up to her, they buy her a swingset, which she is years beyond, but still thinks it an amazing gift. (Mainly because she is happy that they acknowledged her birthday.) Ginger comments on it, suggesting that Macie set them straight, to which Macie responds that it is none of her business. However, she eventually learns that it is time to grow up.

Macie already knew Dodie when they both met Ginger in fifth grade, and at the start of junior high, it seems that Macie would have been happy keeping things as they were, not being too eager to grow up. Her birthday is April 22.

She is last seen in the series finale as part of the group that has turned out for Ginger's book reading. It is speculated amongst fans that she married Hoodsey.

Bobby and Bobbie Lightfoot

Macie's father is Bobby Lightfoot, 44 years old, Ph.D (Michael McKean), and her mother is Bobbie Lightfoot, 42 years old, Ph.D (Mary Gross). They are both psychologists and portray the stereotypical new age parents. However, they are also both incredibly absent-minded, forgetting Macie's thirteenth birthday and making up for it by treating her ten years younger than she actually was. Bobbie is Asian and Bobby is Caucasian.

The Pattersons

Darren Patterson

Ginger's long-time friend and next-door neighbor Darren Patterson, 12 years old (Kenny Blank) is another member of Ginger's inner circle of friends. He is calm, reliable and down to earth. Although he is not truly a geek, Darren's unwieldy orthodontia was a serious strain on his popularity. His other main issue is that his brother Will and his father, both loud, tough and into sports, think he's way too soft. All this began to change, however, when he got his headgear off and instantly became attractive and popular.

He briefly dated Miranda Killgallen and at one time thought Courtney was after him, both times putting Ginger in an awkward position. He declares his love for Ginger when she moves away in Far From Home, after which they became a couple. After their relationship suffers some trouble, Darren leaves Ginger for an older cheerleader named Simone (whom he was seeing behind her back). This hurts Ginger in such a way that she decides to cut him out of her life entirely. As of the series finale, Darren and Simone are still dating, but in a sneak peek into the future reveals that Ginger and Darren get married and have a child. Darren, Will, and their parents are African American.

Will Patterson

Darren's older brother, 16 years old, Junior in High School, Licensed Driver, and main tormentor Will Patterson (voiced by Guy Torry) has the opposite school status as his brother does. He is one of the most popular kids at the high school. He has a group of girls that follow him around school and is the football star on the field. He takes his role as older brother very seriously. In The Right Stuff, Macie is throwing a pool party for her advanced French class (of which Will is a student of). When Will sees Darren, he picks him up and throws him into the pool, even after Darren claims that he'll rust (referring to his headgear). He sometimes offers brotherly advice, however. In The Wedding Frame he gives Darren a little advice on how to handle his devastated relationship with Ginger. But he quickly turns the conversation to center around himself. Also, in Fast Reputation, Ginger, Dodie, and Macie crash a party that Will is chugging sodas at. In New Girl in Town, Ginger asks Will to come to a party she's throwing for the new girl, but he refuses until he finds out it's in a morgue.

Mr. Patterson

Darren and Will's father, 39 years old (voiced by Billy Brown) is known for his head noogies. In Hello Stranger, he gives Ginger a head noogie to congratulate her on her poem. He claims that his head noogies worked for him when he was trying to get a date with Mrs. Patterson in Foutley's On Ice.

Mrs. Patterson

Darren and Will's mother, 35 years old (voiced by Ja'net Dubois) is only seen a couple of times in the whole series. In Never Can Say Goodbye, she shouted for joy when she saw her baby boy (Darren) without his headgear on. In the series finale, she seemed ticked off with her two sons after she found out that she was supposed to receive an invitation to the Foutley's wedding, but never actually did. This means she was competely unaware of Darren's unfaithfullness to Ginger, however surprisingly Darren can be seen at the wedding.

The Griplings

Courtney Claire Gripling

Courtney Claire Gripling, 12 years old (voiced by [[Liz Georges]), is the most popular girl at Lucky Jr. High. She is the typical ditz, not bright and blonde, but in spite of this she is kind and generous. She has always had an interest as to how things worked in the world of middle class citizens (for example, there was an instance where she was puzzled as to how a vacuum cleaner works). Courtney took a liking to Ginger early on in the series. She liked seeing how Ginger would survive if put in an all-popular kids setting. To her surprise, Ginger could manage. Courtney then became increasingly close to Ginger.

In Mommie Nearest, Courtney's mother has to stay in the hospital after she gets an infection from a face lift. Courtney then spends more time with Ginger's mom, Lois, as a temporary replacement. It results in Courtney staying a few nights in Ginger's home. Ginger quickly gets jealous of the natural mother-daughter relationship Courtney and Lois have. In Fair to Cloudy, Ginger invited Darren to the county fair without consulting her normal companions, Dodie and Macie. Dodie then retaliates by inviting Courtney. At the fair, Courtney, as Ginger put it, "has to try everything", as she is intrigued that such a lifestyle exists. In another episode, Courtney helped Ginger by revealing the plans to sabotage Ginger's relationship with Darren.

However, even Ginger receives the occasional "Courtney-ism", considering that Courtney has a whole group of friends to manage. Closest of those friends to Courtney is her right-hand woman, Miranda, who doesn't approve of the friendship between Courtney and Ginger. Courtney's group seems to approve of her leader status. However, in No Hope for Courtney, a girl named Hope takes on Courtney's position, leaving Courtney in a social slump. In the end, Courtney reclaims her position as leader and Hope becomes one of her many followers.

Courtney's main love interest throughout the show is Darren's older brother, Will. In The Wedding Frame, Courtney's father is caught for insider trading and the Griplings are forced to move out of their rich lifestyle and into middle class. Courtney is another example of an extremely wealthy girl who seems to attend a public school for unknown reasons. Courtney's brother, Blake, also attends a public school. It could possibly be that, similar to the character Veronica Lodge from the Archie comics, that their father enrolled them in public schools to avoid them being spoiled - without any success. Courtney sometimes (intentionally) refers to Macie as "Stacey" or "Kacey" and Dodie as "Potie." The girls in Courtney's inner circle (not all at once) have included Ginger, Miranda, Mipsy, Missy, Mindy, Traci, Stacey, Kacie, Donna, Diva, Dinah, Heather, Lonnie, and Hope.

Blake Sophia Gripling

Blake Sophia Gripling is Courtney's younger brother, 9 years old. Deep down he wants to be Carl's best friend. But as Carl turns him down time after time, he tries to best the youngest Foutley whenever he can. Blake has a dislike for Hoodsey (whom he sometimes refer to as 'Woodsey') and doesn't get along too well with his sister Courtney. Winston, the butler of the Griplings, is something of a father figure to Blake and often involved in his schemes. He was named Blake as part of a family tradition so that his initials, "B.G.", would be in accordance with the initials on his baby blanket, a family heirloom.

Claire Christy McSell Gripling

Claire Christy McSell Gripling, 34 years old, is mother to Courtney and Blake Gripling. She believes in spoiling her children. It has been revealed that she and Courtney take a trip to Paris each spring to see the new fashions. Still, Claire has a lot to learn about being a good person. In Trouble in Gal Pal Land, Claire agrees to have Hoodsey pose as a street urchin who she took in so she could win the election to be a board member of the country club. In Mommie Nearest Claire goes to hospital after a bad facelift.

Prescott Gripling

As Ginger learns in TGIF, Prescott Gripling (voiced by Sam McMurray) never missed dinner as it doesn't start unless he is on loudspeaker on the telephone as they eat. In The Wedding Frame, he was discovered as to have been arrested for insider trading, stripping his family of all their fortune. He is Courtney and Blake's father, 31 years old.


Faithful butler, 37 years old, to the Griplings and sidekick to Blake, Winston (voiced by John Kassir) is more of a fatherly figure to Courtney and Blake than Prescott ever was. He has never married and has no children and sees the Griplings as his surogate family rather than just his employers. He is often involved in Blake's latest schemes to ruin/befriend Carl Foutley (who he called "Master Carl").

The Killgallens

Miranda Killgallen

Courtney's right-hand woman and possibly the wickedest girl in school, Miranda Killgallen (voiced by Cree Summer), is often Ginger's main opponent on the show. Apart from being totally different personalities, Miranda's dislike for Ginger mainly stems from her fear that 'Foutley' may replace her as Courtney's best friend. On top of that, both Miranda and Ginger have a romantic interest in Ian Richton. Miranda has thwarted Ginger by all means possible, including manipulation (Dare I, Darren), blackmail (Cry Wolf), false accusations (I Spy A Witch, Ginger The Juvey), backstabbing (Wicked Game) and bribery (Far From Home). She has failed every attempt to make Ginger look bad, even raising her popularity a few times. At times, however, even 'tough girl' Miranda is shown to have her weak sides. On more than one occasion it's illustrated that she has a difficult relationship with her strict parents and that she has very few actual friends. When Ginger finds out about this she feels sorry for her. In Trouble In Gal-Pal Land, she's left friendless after she and Courtney have a temporary falling out, Macie states that it's because no body likes her. Apart from her viciousness, Miranda's trademark are her sniping, sarcastic comments. Miranda and her parents are of African American descent.

Officer Killgallen

Miranda's father, 44 years old (voiced by Richard McGonagle) is a police officer. Miranda used this to her advantage when, in Ginger the Juvey, she convinced Ginger to steal a sign outside of a bank to give as a gift to Courtney, and then called her father to report the robbery. In Summer of Camp Caprice, he runs a military camp where Miranda and Darren are students.

Mrs. Killgallen

It has never been clear if a Mrs. Killgallen, 42 years old, even exists as she has never been mentioned. When Macie asks Miranda if she had ever said anything nice to her mom and dad (in Trouble in Gal Pal Land), Miranda doesn't act as if the question is out of the ordinary. Also Miranda refers to 'her parents' in Ginger's Solo, so it can be assumed Miranda's mother is alive and well.

The Higsbys

Brandon Higsby and Mr. Licorice

Brandon Higsby (voiced by Grey Delisle) is an annoying classmate of Carl. He is extremely hyper, always happy, and considers Carl and Hoodsey his closest friends. In actuality, he has no friends, but his parents think he's popular. His only true friend seems to be Mr. Licorice (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker), his pet monkey that is a hand-me-down from his older brother, Stuart. However, Mr. Licorice doesn't seem to like Brandon all that much. Brandon is 9 years old.

Stuart Higsby

Stuart Higsby (Chris Marquette) is the savior to all forgetful and lazy kids at Lucky Jr. High. He runs a business in the boys' bathroom where people can purchase pre-written book reports from him at a reasonable price. Darren one time became a customer of his when Ginger was blackmailed into writing Miranda's report in Cry Wolf. He owns a monkey, named Mr. Licorice, who he eventually gives to his little brother, Brandon. Stuart is 13 years old.

Mr. and Mrs. Higsby

Mr. and Mrs. Higsby (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker and Sally Struthers, respectively) are Brandon and Stuart's parents. While Mrs. Higsby is in charge of making sure shoes are taken off, feet are off the furniture, and little boys don't become hyperactive, Mr. Higsby is in charge of recording everything with his trusty video camera. Mr.Higesby is 38 years old. Mrs.Higesby is 34 years old.

Teachers and School Staff

Headmaster Milty

Headmaster Milty (voiced by Jerry Houser) has swung back and forth from being principal of Lucky Elementary to being headmaster of Lucky Jr. High. He has a dog, named The Dutchess, that Carl and Hoodsey became good friends with when they trained her in The Nurses' Strike. Headmaster Milty is 68 years old.

Ms. Zorski

Ms. Zorski (voiced by Elizabeth Halpern) is Ginger's English teacher, 48 years old. She is a constant inspiration and supporter of Ginger's natural writing talent. In And She Was Gone, Ms. Zorski let Ginger know that she loved the poem she had written before she added that it concerned her. She has a cousin, also named Ms. Zorski (voiced by Shawana Kemp), who teaches at the high school. Ginger learns that the two have completely different teaching styles. Even after Ginger graduated Jr. High she stays in touch with Ms. Zorski.

Mrs. Gordon

Carl's teacher, Elain Gordon, 73 years old (voiced by Kathleen Freeman) was not the most patient woman. She never had any tolerance for Carl's behavior and often found herself sending him out into the hall. She was also the victim of some of Carl's pranks. One was so bad that it drove her to retirement in No Hope For Courtney. Although she promised Carl that she would come back, she passed on shortly after. Carl actually cried at the end of the episode indicating that Mrs. Gordon was everyone's favorite teacher.

Mr. Hepper

Mr. Hepper (voiced by Andre Ware) is the music teacher of Carl and Hoodsey. Because of his teaching subject and laid back style, he's a favourite of the two boys. After Mrs. Gordon passed away, Hepper also took over her classes. After school, he plays in a jazz trio. Mr.Hepper is 45 years old.

Mr. Celia

The science teacher at Lucky Jr High, Mr. Celia teaches chemistry and biology. He is Ginger's second favourite teacher after Ms. Zorski. With Ginger one of the few students to attain his high standards, she's also a favorite of him. Celia has an ongoing struggle with the school board over funding.


Ian Richton

Ian Richton (voiced by Adam Wylie) is the school's soccer star and major hottie, but isn't that smart. He is the perfect man in the eyes of both Ginger and Miranda. When in The A Ticket he is assigned to work with Ginger during chemistry classes, he let her do all the work. Ginger mistakes his enthusiasm for something else and it takes a wake-up call from Darren for her to realize she's being used. It has also been revealed that Ian has been raised by his single father. After voice actor Adam Wylie quit the cast at the end of season 1 and Ginger got over Ian in Summer Of Camp Caprice, he had no more speaking roles. Nevertheless Ian can often been seen on school grounds and even moves on with Ginger to high school.

Melissa 'Mipsy' Mipson

Most likely the third most popular girl at Lucky Jr. High is Mipsy Mipson (voiced by Sandy Fox). She appears to be closest to Miranda and shares her hate for Ginger. She helps Miranda play a prank on Ginger in Sleep On It to make Ginger wet her sleeping bag. In Foutley's On Ice, she pays off her uncle to accept Ginger as a new student for a writing academy and convinced her cousin, also a Mipson, to take on a new persona (Thea who's real name is Mitzy) and convince Ginger to stay full time. When Ginger returns to Lucky Jr. High in Wicked Game, Mipsy and Miranda trick Dodie and Macie into helping them get Darren and Ginger to break-up. Not much else is known about Mipsy. It has been suggested that she comes from a wealthy family and that if Ginger got too close to Courtney, Mipsy would be the most likely to be bumped down on the popularity chart.

Chet Zipper

Chet Zipper, 14 years old (voiced by Hope Levy) is a commoner among the students at Lucky Jr. High. Although Courtney knows who he is, his status as school announcer doesn't earn him much popularity status. He speaks in a dull monotone voice and puts words like "uh", "like", and "um" in between each word. He has been a suggested love interest for Dodie. In Piece of My Heart, they are seen dancing together at the school dance. In the series finale, Chet and Dodie are shown as a married couple.

